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A Strip Card consists of 2Value support hours that have been purchased on forehand

Frequently asked questions for internal use: Associate:FAQ:Strippenkaart

Customer inquiries and 2Value's answers concerning the SLA Basic Strip Card

I still need support with my Magento and/or Joomla! and/or MySQL and/or PHP. We're going live soon and it would be good to have professional support. I've got some detailed questions about the strip card though.

Security: how can the 2Value Strip Card prevent the use of unsafe components?

We can reduce the risk.

Active scanning of all exploits is not part of our strip card service. A strip card is a well-organized commitment to making an effort, in which individuals can be replaced if necessary. A "result-based" commitment can't even be achieved in the more stringent SLA's, as there are often thousands of extensions per open source framework that are each released several times per year.

It's simply impossible to guarantee that nothing will go wrong with it, moreover because certain combinations of components can be unsafer than those components by themselves.

We can increase the chance that we find these unsafe combinations and notify the client with a solution that we can offer.

Does 2Value offer a back-up if the developer is unavailable or hasn't got time?

If customers take out a SLA 2Value guarantees the SLA availability. With a strip card on SLA Basic we will do what we can in case of an emergency, without guarantees ("best effort").

Do we have an agreement with 2Value?

The project is invoiced by 2Value, but the operational services and paperwork is carried out by associates. How does that work?

Symbolical: bus, bus driver and kiosk

Compare the role of 2Value with a kiosk that sells strip cards for the bus or subway. When you want to travel, you enter the bus and upon entering you meet your diver. This is the driver that is available to you - this is the driver you've got to work with in case of a SLA Basic.

The relationship you have with 2Value is purely administrative; with respect to the content the associate guarantees us both (customer and 2Value) his or her availability (to a certain extent) and his knowledge (without the customer using extra time on the strip card, he or she utilizes a strip card per year). We facilitate the process for the customer, the documentatie of the traffic and an orderly business process (the Associate contract), so customer and associate can focus on the content, for which 2Value can't accept any liability with a SLA Basic strip card. This is the case if you take out a SLA Medium or Pro.

Which time units are being used? Does one strip count for one hour?

Work from a strip card is calculated per minute.

Does the customer have access to the Calltracking system?

Yes, this can be arranged, refer to Service. There are limits however: Per role preferably 1 customer contact (client and/or client participant).

When do I set a call to Closed and when to Resolved?

I assume the definition of a year is "12 months" and not a "calender year" ?

That is correct. If a Strip Card is purchased on the 1st of September, it's valid until the 31st of August the following year.

How do you restart with several experts instead of one?

I would suggest to skip the transfer as this will take up 6 strips of an hour. But if you can proceed with two requests that are still on hold, both associates can start work on them. Our projectbegeleider is available to them for additional information and if necessary completing the call tracking in our Open Atrium system.

What is the procedure when it comes to requests for several experts?

If you have a request, you can:

1. send it to one particular person that will deal with the call.
2. to increase your chances of a quick response, send it to all three at the same time. As long as it's clear that all three have received your call. One of the three experts will deal with your request (this is coordinated among themselves / somebody claims the call if there is a direct solution available).

What is the ratio of strip and hours?

We've replaced the half hour strips with full hour strips in 2010. This has made no difference for our customers. The old system of half hour strips was to complicated in our internal communication. The strip is currently an hour and is, just as before, written off per whole (rounded off) minute.

SLA Basic Strip Card serviced by several associates

A selection of the questions associates (can) have

An example email for customers who wish to have more experts on a strip card

AAAAAAA and BBBBBBB are both happy to pick up the support of the strip card that you've agreed on with CCCCCC. CCCCCC is also happy to continue. With this organization we hope to improve the reaction time for <Customer>.

  • <Name> - <2value-id> - <06 or land line>
  • <Name> - <2value-id> - <06 or land line>
  • <Name> - <2value-id> - <06 or land line>

Associate questions about the SLA Basic Strip Card

NB. SLA Basic Strip Card is the former individual strip card

Can the customer approach us directly?

...or does this initially always go via the primary line and does this person communicate with (one of) us (secondary line)?
Yes and no: Yes, a customer can approach you directly. 2Value is a pact of entrepreneurs who know very well themselves what to do. SLA basic is a strip card without a commitment to availability, reaction or solution time. No, there is nobody in between. You yourself are the primary and secondary line. If you need consultation, use the internal communication channels.

Can one Strip Card be used for three websites for one customer?

...or is this not how it's supposed to be done and is a website coupled with strip card?

This can be looked at per customer if the three URLs concern 1 framework installation (multisite, single install). But the overhead will get to big to be serviced by one strip card if other technical work needs to be done per installation. For example transfers and documentation. The following guideline applies:

  • 2 different sites, a minimum of 2 strip cards
  • 3 different sites, a minimum of 2 strip cards
  • 4 different sites, a minimum of 3 strip cards
  • 5 different sites, a minimum of 3 strip cards
  • 6 different sites, a minimum of 4 strip cards
  • 7 different sites, a minimum of 4 strip cards