Template:Event (talk, backlinks, edit)
Henk van Cann jan 11th 2010: self build template tree
Warning: "Due" works on week-numbers, NOT on dates!!
"Due" is a template that enables us to attach a due date to an action (edit mode) and then shows the consequences of that due date in the text (view)
- {{{1}}} = number of weeks before Event date
- {{{2}}} = year of the event
- {{{3}}} = weeknumber of the event
- {{{4}}} = timespan of the signaling of the organisation (actions & delivarables) in number of weeks. Be sure that is parameter covers the weeks before the first deliverable due dates.
FORMAT: <weeknumber> wkB4_♦
Voorbeeld aanroepen
Valid Calls:
- {{Event|10}}
- {{Event|10|2011|23|20}}
DO NOT call as follows:
- {{Event | 10}}
- {{Event|10|2011}}; this is a valid but error prone call, it suggests an certain year and exactly the same week as the default week
- {{Event|10||20}}; this is a valid but error prone call, it suggests an certain week and exactly the same year as default, which is hidden in the template.
- {{Event|10|2011|23|20}}
The explanation of the sub templates - calls
calculates the urgency of an action (current date versus Focalweek-Focalyear) and colorizes characters. We use symbols suchs as &hearts and &diams. The difference in weeks is chopped into blocks of weeks. See the detailed description and code of "Urgency". Henk van Cann on jan 11th 2010: In our first call here we used 4 weeks blocks instead of the 3 weeks standard blocks to colorize the urgency.
In this call the default date is set to year and weeknumber pair of our main milestone. If there is only 1 argument to the template call of Due, then Weekdiff will get this defaults passed.
Calculates back the weeknumber when this action will be due (given the milestone).
Calculates back the year when this action will be due (given the milestone).
The other fields should be self-explanatory.
BE CAREFULL NOT TO INTRODUCE unintentional SPACES AND CR'S in the following statement -->{{{1}}} wkB4 Expression error: Unexpected < operator._buf♦