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Wat heeft mijn organisatie eigenlijk aan Boxbridge?

Zoals gezegd is het eenvoudigweg weergeven van een box.net folder op een webpagina niet ‘der sinn der sache’ – dat werkt in principe al prima met bijvoorbeeld blogger / wordpress.

Er leiden meer wegen naar Rome. Het gaat er juist om dat Joomla als open source web cms meerwaarde heeft voor organisaties.

Wij willen verschillende lokale kantoren (deels) dezelfde documenten van box.net laten sourcen voor verschillende lokale webpagina's. Kan dat?

De structuur van Box.net als bedrijf en de Saas oplossing, zal het niet snel toestaan dat Box.net voor de organisatie's site doeleinden door Google wordt geïndexeerd. Google Drive is anno 2012 een regelrechte concurrent van Box.net en Dropbox. Dat betekent dat je op een andere wijze je metainformatie over die bestanden moet gaan samenstellen en ter beschikking stellen in je websysteem. We kunnen daarbij helpen.

Hoe kun je met Joomla per bestand een lokale beschrijving van het bestand toevoegen?

2Value raadt aan om beschrijvingen bij te houden in Box.net zelf. Hoe wil je straks beschrijvingen in vijf talen op een mobile device terecht? Hoe voorkom je scheefgroei tussen de beschrijvingen in Box.net en in het CMS?

Het is aan te bevelen om metadata bij te houden van bestanden in Box.net zelf. Bij de bron. 2Value past dat toe in de visie op onze brug Boxbridge: beschrijvingen in Joomla beheren is een 'no go'.

Dat geschreven hebbende is het wellicht mogelijk de vertalingen van de engelse beschrijving in Box.net bij te houden en dus via de api op te vragen in Joomla. Dat is de koninklijke route die we op maat zouden kunnen maken.

Is Google in staat is de bestanden te herkennen

Het is ons inziens zaak slimme metadata aan te maken op basis van inhoud van bestanden. Dat bepaalt veel meer je kwaliteit in Google vindbaarheid en het succes met bijvoorbeeld Adwords. Het doorzoekbaar maken van pdf's in een websysteem voegt daar te weinig aan toe.

Hoe kunnen we eventueel een contact formulier voor (bepaalde) documenten plaatsen?

Geen probleem, Joomla heeft 3000 extensies, waarvan tientallen formulier componenten vrij beschikbaar of tegen een laag bedrag (tientjes werk).

Information on our website on Boxbridge

  1. Purchase now
  2. Boxbridge productinfo in our shop
  3. www.boxbridge.net

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


What are the requirements of Boxbridge?

  1. cURL installed and working in the hosting environment


How to install Boxbridge?

Videotutorial Boxbridge installation


How connect BoxBridge to a Box.net folder?

Videotutorial Connect Boxbridge

How to connect a Box.net file to a Joomla article?

Videotutorial Box.net in article

Will box.net files listed in articles show up in a joomla search?

No, Boxbridge is a plugin that loads the content of Box.net. The text of a Joomla article says for example no more than "{boxfile 3245252}".

The search should be perfomed at Box.net, and the results passed through to Joomla. But again: we do not offer that functionality yet. And there is no releaseplan available too. Boxbridge is "as is".

Instructions not correct?

The instructions you have on how to get the shared link are not correct. If you request a shared link it outputs something like this https://box.net/shared/dslk4sd4” in order to get the file folder ID that worked. I had to generate an HTML widget and pull the ID from the widget code.

2Value checked the instruction more than once and we think they are functional. Please try to follow the tutorials first.

In Use

Storage management

I need some control on how many times files can be downloaded, expriry in days etc. Could that be added to Boxbridge?

At the moment we do not have such functionality avaiable in Boxbridge. Boxbridge is a Joomla window to Box.net; no more, it does not add storage management.

Developer User:spotjer: Wat betreft onderstaande, dit is momenteel geen functionaliteit inderdaad en vergt nodige verdere ontwikkeling. We zouden dan een extra beheerslaag gaan maken tussen Joomla en BoxBridge, momenteel worden alle instellingen aan box.net zijde gedaan.

Can I work with subfolders?

In the box-folder that I want to publish are not only files but also sub-folders. Can I also view the files in the sub-folders and can I click on the sub-folders to see their content?
You can enable the feature "Show content of subfolders" in Boxbridge's settings. All files will be displayed in the main folder, including the files in the sub-folders, but without the sub-folders they belong in.

Can I connect multiple Box.net accounts on demand?

Is it possible to connect to multiple Box.net accounts from the frontend, without having to setup those accounts in the Joomla Admin backend?

For example: I want to display a module on my Joomla homepage that asks for a Box.net username and password and upon entering valid credentials, the contents of that user account from Box.net is displayed right within my Joomla module.

Version up to date?

Do I have the latest? The plugin in the backend of Joomla does not say what version I have.

You find the plugin under Extensions -> Install/Deinstall -> tab "plugins" and locate the current version there (of all plugins).

How do I update?

Should I just upload the new version over the old version?

Yes, just move over the old version, or safer: make a backup first, then update & check.

How do I send a link to a document per email?

Part of box.net functionality is that you can email someone a link to the file. Is there a way once I have your plugin installed that my users can email the link to someone directly from my website without going to box.net?

It is no functionality of Boxbridge at this moment. Have you tried the work-around right-click + copy link location? Paste into your favorite mailclient and have a go.


Error when publishing Box-folders

When trying to publish Box-folders, I get an error:

Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set in /home/tungstrom/domains/layer8-it.net/public_html/l8/plugins/content/boxbridge/boxbridge/includes/class.curl.php on line 354.

Please check the “open_basedir” parameter in PHP. Make sure it is not set. You may want to contact your hosting to provider to make sure "CURL" is enabled, "open_basedir" is not set and "safe_mode" is turned Off.

Box.net sharing settings have changed

After installng Boxbridge, I have noticed that the sharing settings in box.net had changed, files are no longer being displayed. How should I set the sharing settings in box.net in order to display the files in my CMS again?

Possible explanations:

a. User does not use the right boxfile/boxfolder code
b. Access rights of the document have been changed. Must be set to "open".


Is there any refund policy?

We have no refund policy. We think 29 euro isn't a big investment and only a symbolic payment for the costs we had to develop Boxbridge.

I was wanting to test out BoxBridge before I make a purchase. Is that a possibility?

The price of Boxbridge is so low, that we can not manage trial periods. If something is not right with the product, we refund the money involved with the purchase.

Only if we conclude that a real unsolvable problem with the software is at hand, we refund. That is a individual assessment per case.

Is there any trial version?

No. The be able to see how it looks like, how it is integrated with Joomla: the videos on Boxbridge we have show the functionality it offers.

Is there any garantuee for Boxbridge

There is no garantuee or whatsoever. This software will be delivered as is, full risk for the purchaser. Therefore the price is low: you can't build a Box.net bridge on your own for 29 euro's.

Is there any support for Boxbridge?

Yes, we work with Open source support desk. There you can purchase a support ticket to help you with the installation, configuration and (just in case) problemsolving concerning Boxbridge or related stuff in your specific situation.


I have purchased BoxBridge. Do you have a 1.7 version?

Yes we do. But you will have to purchase the next version at the full price. Because the costs are relatively low.

Is there a BoxBridge version for J2.5?

The version from 20111116 of the plugin works just fine in 2.5 versions of Joomla. Did you try it?


Zijn we niet beter af met een custom cms’ solution?

Nee. Een open source web cms is bij uitstek geschikt, met name ook op het organisatorische en engineering stuk. Custom = verplichte winkelnering tot in lengte van dagen, open source = keuzevrijheid.